Understanding the Regulations and Laws for Media Outlets in Nashville, TN

Understand the regulations & laws that apply to media outlets in Nashville, TN. Learn about permits required for events involving closure of streets or participation of metropolitan government departments.

Understanding the Regulations and Laws for Media Outlets in Nashville, TN

The Film and Special Events Office of Nashville and Davidson County is responsible for overseeing and granting permits for all filming, special events, parades, and street banners. Permits are required for any event that involves the closure of streets or the participation of metropolitan government departments. It is important to understand the regulations and laws that apply to media outlets in Nashville, TN. In Tennessee, wild brook trout populations were once found in all wild trout water.

However, due to primitive logging techniques and the introduction of non-native rainbow trout, many populations were lost at the end of the 19th century. Nowadays, wild brook trout populations are only found in the coldest and cleanest headwaters of the mountains of East Tennessee, at elevations above 3,000 feet, where the water temperature is usually below 68° F. To expand the range of brook trout, TWRA biologists have been working with the United States Forest Service, Great Smoky Mountain National Park, Tennessee Aquarium, and Trout Unlimited to reforest native vines in their native waters. Rainbow trout is native to the Pacific drains of the western United States but has become the most abundant and distributed trout species in Tennessee due to extensive trout management throughout much of the 20th century.

Wild populations are now found in about 300 streams in eastern Tennessee. Rainbow trout spawns in late winter and their young are born in early spring. They can tolerate slightly warmer temperatures than stream trout, and prefer water temperatures below 70° F. Brown trout is native to Europe and Asia and was naturalized in Tennessee through repopulation.

They are usually found in lower-altitude streams and often coexist with rainbow trout.

A bill signed into law this week in Tennessee makes it a crime to organize an “adult cabaret” on public property or anywhere a child can see it.


James Anderson
James Anderson

Hardcore travel geek. Hardcore coffee guru. Award-winning social media buff. Hipster-friendly internet trailblazer. Professional internet trailblazer. Avid musicaholic.