Understanding Public Utilities Policies in Nashville, Tennessee

Learn about public utilities policies in Nashville, TN from the Tennessee Public Utilities Commission (TPUC). Get information on consumer protection programs and rate regulation.

Understanding Public Utilities Policies in Nashville, Tennessee

In 1996, the Tennessee Public Utilities Commission (TPUC) was established to address the ever-evolving telecommunications and public services landscape. This executive board, appointed by the government of the state of Tennessee, is responsible for regulating public services such as setting rates and service standards for private telephone, natural gas, electricity and water companies. The TPUC also provides consumer assistance and protection programs. In 2017, Governor Bill Haslam (R) signed a law that changed the name of the Tennessee Regulatory Authority to the Tennessee Public Utilities Commission.

For those looking to gain a better understanding of public utilities policies in Nashville, Tennessee, the University of Tennessee County Technical Assistance Service (CTAS) is a great resource. Located at 226 Anne Dallas Dudley Boulevard, Suite 400 Nashville, Tennessee 37219, CTAS provides a wealth of information on public utilities policies in the area. The TPUC is dedicated to ensuring that all Tennesseans have access to reliable and affordable public services. Through their consumer protection programs and rate regulation, they are able to ensure that all citizens have access to quality services at fair prices.

For more information on public utilities policies in Nashville, Tennessee, contact the University of Tennessee County Technical Assistance Service (CTAS) at 226 Anne Dallas Dudley Boulevard, Suite 400 Nashville, Tennessee 37219.

James Anderson
James Anderson

Hardcore travel geek. Hardcore coffee guru. Award-winning social media buff. Hipster-friendly internet trailblazer. Professional internet trailblazer. Avid musicaholic.